Anyone here done DMT?

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Karelian Isthmus
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Anyone here done DMT?

Post by samiam »

I've never done and don't think I could, but I'm fascinated by DMT stories. I think maybe there is another realm of some sort, I don't think it's just hallucinations. This maybe closely related to out of body experiences and near death experiences (which someone else started a thread about). They seem related.
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Brutus Frank
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Re: Anyone here done DMT?

Post by Brutus Frank »

Worst fucking drug experience of my life, was certain I was dead, brain felt fried for 3 days. Only hallucinogen I've ever done that went even remotely that wrong. Your mileage may vary
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Re: Anyone here done DMT?

Post by smooth »

The form in Ayahuasca I've taken about 25 times, and smoked crystal DMT twice. I went through a lot of hell states, but always came out floaty in a nice for a day after. Sure, Ayahuasca can be used as a medicine but I also feel it can turn people into a type of narcissist, and it comes with a sort of psychological dependence for some people as well, that they begin using that for all their answers.

There is one writer that is releasing a book either at the end of this year or sometime next year who is convinced the DMT entities everyone sees are not coming from any greater level of reality but a sub-reality, and as Mckenna mentioned of their trickster elf nature, the writer I'm talking about is convinced they are demons/nephilim, even if they seem docile at first (putting a front). The Muslims would call them all djinn and always say to stay away from them.

I've consumed psychedelics probably around 100 times in my life but don't do them anymore as I honestly feel things can and will attach to you. Possession is a real thing even if some try and romanticize it.

I've had a best friend who was obsessed with Terence Mckenna and grew shrooms actually commit suicide. And my cousin in Venezuela last year hung himself (not sure if drugs were involved). Both I feel are simply not just some "mental illness" but demonic possession. This all may seem retarded sounding to perhaps most people here, but I've seen some nasty entities while on druga.
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Karelian Isthmus
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Re: Anyone here done DMT?

Post by samiam »

Damn, yeah I'll just stay away from it. But I'm still interested in the stories and how convinced many people are coming out of it that there exists other realities, not just hallucinations. We're at a place in physics that the models many mathematicians use to describe reality are based on 10 or 11 literal dimensions and all kinds of people who are not stoners but military types who have been read into UFO stuff describe them as shifting from another dimension instead of coming from other planets.
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Brutus Frank
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Re: Anyone here done DMT?

Post by Brutus Frank »

A family member once described DMT this way to me "you remember in DARE when they warned you about drugs? This is drugs."
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